WARNING!! this website is very much still a wip lol! dont expect things to work 4 a while ;-;

hi im basil!! im 14 and I'm trying to learn how to program! ^^ to make this layout I used sadgrl.online's layout builder and edited it in brackets!! I've dabbled in coding before, but mostly using things like scratch and spacehey so this is my first foray into actual html and css, although I did learn a lot from working off of other people's spacehey templates,, anyway, I really want to work in coding or animation some day, and I was going to pick the coding for games elective at my school but I've heard the class is really bad so idk?? 

anyway,, about me!! I love love love listening to music, some of my fave artists are Kimya Dawson, Alex g, Mitski, and Defiance Ohio! I also like animating and drawing (some of my art should be linked if u want to see it!!) In my spare time I like to watch video essays and draw in my sketchbook, play games on my computer (Night in the Woods, OMORI, and The Stanley Parable are my favorites!) and listen to podcasts like The Magnus Archives and Welcome To Nightvale. Other things I enjoy doing r crocheting, trying out new outfits, browsing yesterlinks, and updating this website!

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